Interhunter Group

Interhunter Atelier in Recruitment and Selection

To talk about Interhunter we have to mention the successful career of our founding partner, Carlos Lacerda, who started his career in 1972 as a Salesman in Patos de Minas – MG in one of the best-known food companies at the time, developed and contributed with two more renowned companies in the Hygiene/Cleaning and Food segment. He ended his Corporate cycle in 1999 as National Sales Manager, having lived in 8 Brazilian capitals.

Aware of his energy and continuous possibility of contributing to the commercial areas of consumer goods companies of various sizes, he founded Business Consult in 1999, a consultancy company specializing in the reorganization of commercial teams. He carried out projects throughout Brazil for 11 years in more than 30 companies.

His entrepreneurial spirit and focus on innovation once again emerged with the creation of Interhunter in 2007.

We are specialized in the search, attraction and selection of professionals in the areas: Commercial, Marketing and Trade Marketing for all regions in Brazil.

Segmentation enables us to offer differentiation in recruitment and selection services with assertiveness and agility. We work constantly to be worthy of your trust and credibility.


Consulting company specialized in R&S for the areas: Commercial, Marketing and Trade Marketing for all Brazil.


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Consultancy company specialized in the search, attraction and selection of professionals for the areas of Technology and Digital Transformation.


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Interhunter Academy

Consultancy company specialized in training, development and online qualification with live interaction.


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